Du côté de La Châtre (36) (Photo prise par Brigitte)
Un beau dimanche de fin d'hiver !
Donnez vie à votre bureau !
Photo Du côté de La Châtre (36)
Auteur: Brigitte
Email: bb.brotons@orange.fr
Photo ajoutée le 24 juin 2010 à 16h39
Poids de l'image 712 Ko, résolution 2048x1536 pixels.
Photo téléchargée 2321 fois
Commentaires :
wow chisitrne, all of that food sounds and looks so delicious. i agree with you on the japadog as far as the sauce goes. terriyaki is pretty strong i might try to rework the sauce so the dog just has a hint of terriyaki. can hardly wait til next month and your report on my favorite food, pizza. i've never been to nyc but it's still on my list.. i'm a big yankee fan and one of the places i want to visit is yankee steak at the stadium.